Graham Housing Authority
HUD’s mission is to ensure Americans have access to fair, affordable housing and opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency, thereby strengthening our communities and nation. Graham Housing Authority strives to provide safe, decent and sanitary rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.

About Us
With facilities to meet many needs, the Housing Authority welcomes you to quality living. We have a total staff of 17 and offer the following programs:
- Public Housing: 170 renovated and affordable apartments located in 13 neighborhoods in Graham, NC, which offer quality living for low-income seniors and families alike.
- Section 8 New Construction, Ralph Clayton Homes: 100 one and two-bedroom units for low-income elderly and disabled families
- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher: Provides rental assistance for very low-income families in the private market. Program participants normally owe no more than 30% of monthly adjusted income towards rent and utilities. The housing assistance payment subsidizes the balance of the rent to the property owner.
Graham Housing Authority History
1966: Incorporated
1969: GHA is established
1969: 100 units opened; Main St. was the first site, followed by Hill St., North St., Oakley St., and the properties on Ray and Gilbreath Streets.
1974: The Housing Choice Voucher program was established. GHA started with 100 vouchers. Now, our vouchers total more than 1,000!
1979: Ralph Clayton Homes (Cates Circle) broke ground. This added 100 units designated for elderly and disabled tenants.
1983: The final 70 units were opened at Sarah Williams, Field St., Market St., and Creekside Ct, which brings us to 170 total Public Housing units for Graham.